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Yelle Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

Posted Date: 9/01/24 (11:11 AM)

Good afternoon Yelle Families:

I hope you are enjoying the Labor Day Weekend.

I always try to get this out to families before the first day of school for those who Drop-Off and/or Pick-Up their children.

A few years ago, we tried something new for our Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures, and we believe it has worked incredibly well. For those of you who have done it the past few years, you know we have a lot of positive comments, and so we are going to continue with the same plan for this school year.

All Yelle Family Drop-Offs in the morning and Pick-Ups in the afternoon will be around the back of the school. I have attached a slideshow (from a few years ago) that describes and shows how we will be doing it. We know this alleviates some of our congestion that was happening in the front. So all Drop-offs in the morning will be in the back (along with Pick-Ups at the end of the day). All buses drop off in the front and pick up in the front at the end of the day.

Here is the link to the Slideshow.

Please note that students are not allowed into the building until 8:10AM, and are not marked Tardy until after 8:25AM. There is no need to rush to the school earlier than 8AM, for students are not allowed into the building until 8:10AM. At 8:10, I and other staff members will come around back and you can then start having students exit your cars. We try to take the whole two rows of cars that make up the straight-away section next to the playground of their students exiting their cars and have them head into the door at one time, then have those cars leave, and have the next section of cars do the same until we have all the students into the building. This is a system that works pretty smoothly, even when it is raining.

As you let your child out of the car, please remind them to look both ways, especially if they are coming from the lane that is closest to the center circle of grass farther away from the building. Tell them to make eye contact with the other driver before they cross in front of any oncoming cars. Again, I and other staff are outside directing traffic, but there are always some kiddos that jump out of their car and just run to get into the building. Please make sure they are being safe, seeing the other cars and making eye contact with the drivers. 

It is a well-run system, but again, I want to make sure we keep everyone safe, so please remind your children to check and see that the other drivers see them as they are crossing.

If you are running late, we ask that families drop students off in the front of the building after 8:25AM, and check in at the Main Office for a Tardy slip.

Pick-Up in the afternoon is at 2:45PM. Please do not start lining up until 2:30PM. Again, last year, we had everyone out and gone by 2:55 to 3PM; so there is no need to line up any earlier than that. We also will have in the nice weather, students outside for recess and Physical Education, so please do not come and line up until 2:30PM.

Again, please know that Family Drop-Off in the morning and Pick-Up in the afternoon are around the back of the school entering the driveway that hugs Cumberland Farms, where cars line up in two lanes.

Any questions, please let me know.

Looking forward to another sensational year!

Thank you,

Martin R. Geoghegan (He/Him/His) | Principal
Henri A. Yelle Elementary School
Norton Public Schools | 64 West Main Street | Norton, MA 02766
Office: (508) 285-0190 | Fax: (508) 285-0187 |